Żyla, żyletka, śmierć.Aniele usłysz moje myśli,które uciszyleś ...

Hey guys,
Thought I'd give a quick update. (cos I too like ETAs!) I currently have a working setup with all of my Harmony 525 keys mapped using the virtual remote idea. We've left room for movement with extra codes for personalising your remote and allowing for expansion with other remotes etc. Its a thing of beauty when you shift from the sequence idea to a fully mapped remote.

We are in contact with Logitech, and have confidence they'll be able to come through with a global profile for Plex in their database. ...


Holy crap. This is amazing...it would make Plex perfect! I use Remote Buddy now but the sluggishness and the hours it takes to setup are a real pain. The work you're doing is fantastic! If you want donations for your time, I'll donate. For now, enjoy this tall frosty e-beer ;)



Hope someone can help with this - I'm tearing my hair out! It's probably more a Harmony problem than a plex one, but it's to do with setting up the plex app on the remote so I thought it would be best to post here rather than the logitech forums.

So I followed the setup guide on the wiki, and most things are working perfectly.

I have an activity called 'videos', which has a device called Mini Plex Remote. The device is set up with the activity, and the settings are for the device to be turned on when the activity is started.

When I switch to 'Videos' almost everything works. The TV and Amp switch to the right input, but using the remote to navigate around doesn't work. On the harmony remote, I can press the 'devices' switch and select the 'mini plex remote' and then it works fine.

Essentially, the device isn't turning on when I start the activity, and I can't figure out why. The device is turned on in the harmony settings, and is in 'media mode'.

Anyone have any ideas?

I access Favorites all the time, and currently it's a bit of a pain to access (and the wife can never remember where it's located).

What I'd like to do is add a soft button called "Faves" or some such (since my LED screen wouldn't show the full name of "Favorites") that, when pressed, would show the Favorites menu.

Anyone know how to do that with the new Harmony keymap introduced recently?

This is what the F keys were put into the Harmony profile for! Basically you need to assign one of the F keys that you aren;t using - lets say F10 for arguments sake. Add a custom button in the logitech software called Favourites (it will fit by the way - well at least it does on my 525). Have it send the F10 key when pressed. After doing this you'll need to update the remote.

That takes care of the remote - now you'll have to update your Harmony.xml in keymaps directory (you may need to create it), and have the F10 code jump to favourites. I'm not sure of the jump to favourites line you will need, but it will probably be something along the lines of Plex.activateWindow(videolibrary, favourites)

Then restart Plex and all should be good...

Hello everyone.

First of all, I wanted to apologize for my English, I am spanish and I do not handling well especially with the English writing.

My problem comes from the use of:
- Plex
- Logitech Harmony 525
- Remote budy

I configured an "activity" in the Harmony for automatically open Plex (as shown in the wiki of the Harmony support) but it isn't working, the command that was supposed to open Plex really open the menu of Remote Buddy. Using the Harmony as Plex device, commands like Play, Menu, Power, ... open the menu of Remote Buddy, and not start Plex. I have Remote Buddy configured as shown here.
Since Plex opens, all the commands in the Harmony works fine, even the Power (which closes Plex), the problem is open Plex when it is closed. On Plex I have set the remote like "Harmony remote" and "always active". PlexHelper is running (even with Plex closed).

If I close Remote Buddy everything works fine, the command sent by the Harmony opens Plex, and when I change to another activitie (see TV) the Harmony closes Plex. But I think that the use of Remote Buddy is interesting for another jobs.

Does anyone know what might be the problem.

Thank you.

Witam. Czy ktoś z was jest użytkownikiem tego pilota.
Muszę zakupić jakiegoś uniwersala: podłącze pod niego: ty ampli i dvd.

I ty mam pytanie czy można do niego zaprogramować jakieś nietypowe przyciski np: night amplitynera. Czy te dodatkowe klawisze zaprogramowane przewijać się będą góra dół na wyświetlaczu LCD pilota? I jeśli go będę chciał wybrać to muszę zrobić OK?

A może można te klawisze programować tylko do tych dostępnych na nim. Ale w tedy trzeba pamiętać gdzie co jest?

A może inny pilot polecacie.


Instrukcja obsługi pilota Logitech Harmony® 525 i 555 Advanced Universal Remote PL

Co powiecie o tym Pilocie.

Cytat z Netu.
kontroluj cały domowy system urządzeń rozrywki za pomocą jednego przycisku! po prostu wybierz to co chcesz robić oglądać telewizję ("Watch TV"), czy oglądać filmy DVD ("Watch DVD") a pilot oceni stan urządzeń potrzebnych do danej czynności i wyśle odpowiednie komendy by odpowiednio włączyć, wyłączyć, powiązać ze sobą, ustawić odpowiednie parametry; bardzo łatwa obsługa, programowanie pilota z www przez USB

Jednym klawiszem można sterować całym domowym systemem rozrywki. Łatwo sterować telewizją satelitarną, filmami DVD, muzyką i grami wideo. Łatwo jest też konfigurować. Mając błyskawiczny dostęp do światowej bazy danych kodów sterowania podczerwienią, możesz sterować urządzeniami audio i wideo (w tym również telewizją satelitarną, kablową i HDTV) praktycznie wszystkich producentów. Pilot Harmony 525 steruje domowym systemem rozrywki tak, jak trzeba - z łatwością.

Prosta obsługa - wszystko za dotknięciem jednego przycisku

Elastyczne ustawienia - darmowy, a przy tym błyskawiczny dostęp do światowej bazy danych kodów sterowania podczerwienią w urządzeniach audio i wideo

Uproszczony, intuicyjny układ klawiszy

Przyciski teletekstu

Wysokiej klasy wyświetlacz LCD

Niebieskie podświetlenie klawiszy i wyświetlacza

Pomoc techniczna w pełnym zakresie

Dwuletnia gwarancja

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