Żyla, żyletka, śmierć.Aniele usłysz moje myśli,które uciszyleś ...

Wiedza geograficzna w USA
a raczej jej brak:


the results of the survey of 510 people interviewed in December and January.

Among the findings:

*One-third of respondents couldn’t pinpoint Louisiana on a map and 48
percent were unable to locate Mississippi.
*Fewer than three in 10 think it important to know the locations of
countries in the news and just 14 percent believe speaking another language is
a necessary skill.
*Two-thirds didn’t know that the earthquake that killed 70,000 people in
October 2005 occurred in Pakistan.
*Six in 10 could not find Iraq on a map of the Middle East.
*While the outsourcing of jobs to India has been a major U.S. business
story, 47 percent could not find the Indian subcontinent on a map of Asia.
*While Israeli-Palestinian strife has been in the news for the entire
lives of the respondents, 75 percent were unable to locate Israel on a map of
the Middle East.
*Nearly three-quarters incorrectly named English as the most widely
spoken native language.
*Six in 10 did not know the border between North and South Korea is the
most heavily fortified in the world. Thirty percent thought the most heavily
fortified border was between the United States and Mexico.


IDC: Quality drives European open source adoption
By: Matthew Broersma
Techworld.com  (22 Apr 2005)

European enterprises are adopting open source software on the grounds of
quality and flexibility, rather than merely considering it "good enough"
because it is inexpensive, according to a new survey from research firm IDC.

Besides confirming the widespread use of open source in important corporate
deployments, the survey challenges many received notions about open source in
business, said IDC analyst Bo Lykkegaard.

The study, entitled Western European End-User Survey: 2005 Spending
Priorities, Outsourcing, Open Source, and Impact of Compliance, found
substantial levels of "significant" open source deployment in the 625
companies surveyed, all of which had more than 100 employees. Twenty-five per
cent said they had significant open source operating system (Linux)
deployments  the other three options were limited deployments, running pilots
or having the software under consideration.

That, however, was outstripped by the proportion with significant open source
database deployments, at about 33 per cent, according to Lykkegaard.
Databases, rather than operating systems, now seem to be leading open source
into the enterprise, and could pave the way for more open source, he said.
"Companies are increasingly talking about open source 'stacks', giving you a
full open source infrastructure to run applications on," he said. An example
is the LAMP stack, he said  Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP or Perl. Despite the
press they get, open source development environments such as Eclipse didn't
make a significant showing in the survey, Lykkegaard said. The most important
motivator was that they could deploy whenever they wanted, without having to
go back to the vendor and negotiate over licences, without having to discuss
it with the CFO or looking at the cost implications.Bo Lykkegaardanalyst,

ATM Management
Euronet ATM Management helps meet your customers' increasing expectations
more accurately and efficiently than any other solution available. ATM
Management is one of the systems of the most flexible, performance-driven
technological advancement in the ATM software industry. ATM Management
performs the following tasks:

ATM driving - We deliver the software and services to help you increase ATM
transaction levels, enhance integration with multiple customer touchpoints,
and provide your customers with added convenience.
Transaction authorization - Our wide range of transaction authorization
functions give you the flexibility to grant customers access to their
accounts when and where you feel it is appropriate.
Settlement/reporting - We'll help to reduce the costs associated with
administrative and back-office operational support in the areas of customer
service, terminal balancing, settlement and reporting by providing the
controls needed to ensure device, system and institutional balancing
Card management - We can help you manage and control your card system,
giving you the power to customize your system based on your business

BIG Bank Gdanski Expands with Euronet ATM Outsourcing Program

Euronet Worldwide, Inc. recently announced an agreement for an expanded ATM
outsourcing program with BIG Bank Gdanski S.A. (BBG), one of the largest
banks in Poland.

Euronet Worldwide has had an ATM outsourcing agreement with BIG Bank S.A.'s
Millennium retail division for more than two years, servicing 218 ATMs. The
Millennium retail division is the most modern national retail network in
Poland. With the recent merger of BIG Bank S.A. and BIG Bank Gdanski, the
new BBG serves more than 927,000 customers across 348 branches. Under the
new multiyear agreement, Euronet will manage a combined network of more than
400 ATMs.

"Around 50% of our customers' transactions are performed through
alternative/automatic distribution channels. ATMs play a key role as an
alternative touchpoint for our customers, and Euronet has proved to be a
valued partner with excellent service and reliability," said Pedro Ribeiro,
BIG Bank Gdanski Vice-President of the Board. "By outsourcing our ATM
network to Euronet, we can focus on our core business of banking, enhance
customer convenience and benefit from an expanded transaction set and
quick-to-market solutions.

"Thanks to Euronet, in December 2000, our bank was recognized in a Polish
survey published by Rzeczpospolita as providing the best performing
electronic system for transaction authorization and as the most accessible
for bankcard acceptance. On that same survey, we were also recognized as one
of the best and most available ATM Networks, offering one of the most
expanded transaction sets."

BBG also extended its customer reach by leveraging Euronet-owned ATMs for
customers throughout Poland. Euronet's ATM network consists of 669 ATMs in
Poland and 2,400 ATMs across nine countries in Europe. Additional software
and/or network clients in Poland include banks, such as Bank Slaski S.A.,
MultiBank, Citibank, Fortis, Deutsche Bank 24, Inteligo, LG Petro Bank S.A.,
and three mobile phone operators-ERA, Centertel and PLUS GSM.

"Euronet welcomes the opportunity of outsourcing a project of this scale,"
said Dan Henry, Euronet Worldwide President and COO. "BIG Bank Gdanski and
Millennium have historically been the frontrunners in Poland, providing
comprehensive retailing banking solutions for their customers, and this
agreement shows their continued commitment to customer convenience. We look
forward to growing with BBG in the Polish

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